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Customer Re-engagement

The easiest people to speak to are the customers you have worked with before. Many businesses focus solely on finding new customers, but what about those that you may have lost touch with? Our customer re-engagement services help keep a steady stream of business for your organisation.

Selling to someone who already knows you is far easier than selling to a cold prospect. It is for this reason that customer re-engagement campaigns deliver excellent return on investment.

Are you guilty of not speaking to some of your clients for a while?

All too often businesses concentrate their marketing efforts on identifying new business and ignore their existing clients. There’s more reason than ever to really look after your existing clients with a co-ordinated customer re-engagement campaign, concentrating on making calls to clients and contacts that you have done business with in the past, but for whatever reason have fallen by the wayside.

We can re-introduce your company to them, provide updates about new developments and encourage further engagement, either by booking an appointment or scheduling a follow-up call. It’s also a great way of finding out why they stopped using your products and services in the first instance!

Call us today to book your free marketing audit
01443 440080

Make sure your customers know the broad range of services you offer; not just those they’re already using!

No organisation should ignore the value of existing clients and how important it is to keep in touch with them. If your objective is to provide a great service to your clients, you need to know if that’s what they in fact experienced. So why not ask them?

We will work closely with you to create a set of questions that aim to uncover your client’s perceptions about the different aspects of your products or service delivery. The results can be more than useful in improving your business and very often the very fact that you’ve got in touch develops more sales.

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