2021… what a year it has been. 2022 is just around the corner, and Fresh Flow Direct Marketing will be celebrating it’s 10-year anniversary next year which is so crazy!

Like it has been for everyone else, 2021 has been a year of unpredictability, however, there is a lot we here are Fresh Flow are proud of:
1. Adapting
One thing that Covid has taught us is that as a business we need to be able to adapt; especially since the situation keeps changing.
When we entered 2021; we were in the midst of a nationwide lockdown, meaning the whole office was working from home.
From mid-2020 as things started to open back up, we took a staggered approach back to the office, so when the new lockdown was announced we were all devastated as we had enjoyed being back in the office together.
However, we have the skills, technology and set-up to respond quickly and productively to change and be a success! Our adaptability has meant we continued to deliver for clients both from home, the office and wherever else we may be forced to work in the future!
2. New clients
At the beginning of 2021 we had several new and exciting contracts that launched, and this has only continued to grow. This year we have worked for a wide range of companies, ranging in sectors from:
– Training
– Education
– Health
– Finance
– Pharmaceutical
– Chemical
– Software
– Cleaning
& so much more!
We love working for such a wide range of clients as it pushes our limits and allows to keep learning and adapting to how we can best deliver for our clients. The variety of clients and our ability to deliver across the board is something we continue to be proud of.
3. New staff members
As the business continues to grow, with us taking on a new clients, it was inevitable that we had to grow our workforce.
Our new recruits have slotted into the Fresh Flow family beautifully. You would think that they have been working here for years and they are already generating great results!
‘Recruiting exceptional people that can grasp our campaigns quickly and deliver to our high standards isn’t always easy. However, the recruitment decisions we’ve made this year have been some of our best ever! We’re a close-knit team, and our newest additions have brought out the best in everybody. 2021’s recruits are a real asset to the Fresh Flow Family and we couldn’t be more proud of them!’
– Lois Franks, Director
4. A new director
We are always proud of Fresh Flow family and their achievements, so this year we were delighted to announce that our longest-serving member Jonathan Williams had been appointed as a Director alongside Lois and Ben Franks! Jon has been with Fresh Flow since 2014, and he has already made an impact on Fresh Flow since taking on the new role!

So, what will 2022 bring?
Despite the fact there is still some uncertainty surrounding Covid going into the New Year, we are still looking forward to 2022 with high expectations, big goals and exciting plans! With new projects, wonderful clients and fresh opportunities lined up for 2022, we can’t wait to get started!
From all of us here at Fresh Flow, we would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! We would like to thank you all for your continued support and we can’t wait for what 2022 will bring. See you on 4th January! Have a wonderful few weeks.